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面议 广州天河区 应届毕业生 本科
面议 广州天河区 应届毕业生 本科
Job Responsibility: 1. A multi-solution provider for selected target large corporates (e.g. large SOE, market l eading large PRC privately-owned enterprise, MNC, Taiwan and HK FIEs) that fit into our client portfolio. To establish long term relationship with target clients and follow and comply rules and regulations. 2. Business Development Areas include Guangdong (excl. Dongguan, Huizhou and Shenzhen), Guangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Fujian and Hainan Provinces. 3. Manage existing relationship and explore new relationship, develop relationship with existing clients pursuing ancillary business. Start new relationship with clients who have potentials to be core clients. 4. Maximize the bank’s overall return, efficiently use the bank’s resources and capital. Effectively work with products group and cross selling, documentation to protect the Bank’s interest. 5. Credit Monitoring, complete credit application for new and/or renewal transaction, and conduct deep and thorough credit analysis before extending credit. 6. Cooperate with products group and/or other departments to develop new products and services, bring new ideas. 7. Improve SMBC’s market profile, man date hunting, proactively lead the team and to be a role m odel for subordinates. 8. Collaboration with various teams of SMBC’s overseas office to support our client’s overseas operation, timely sharing of information, and provide value added information to clients. 9. Follow and comply with rules and regulations, understand and follow internal and external regulations and rules, close communication with Legal

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